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Thanks for going through the motions. Obviously you’re human. Cool. If we’re ever in the same place at the same time be sure to say hello. I’m human too!

You’ll now be receiving news about the things I create for SE practitioners and helping care professionals around the world. It’ll be nice to have your participation.

A first introductory email will be coming soon. I hope you’ll look for it.

Since you’re interested in my professional work you might like to visit these overview pages: 

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My general public newsletter shares projects with themes that may be of interest to you, your family or your clients. Much of this is dedicated to translating fancy psychobiological principles into everyday story and metaphor so people can appreciate and enjoy their lives more by understanding how to negotiate stress and trauma better. That helps non-therapists appreciate the significance and opportunity inside therapies like Somatic Experiencing. I hope you'll consider receiving that as well.