097: Common Mistakes SEP’s Make

We must make mistakes. It’s part of the process of learning this craft. Exploratory SEP’s can be enthusiastic about their mistakes because mistakes make us think long and hard about “what went wrong” and how we can do things differently. Ultimately our “library of experience” develops over time, through countless twists and turns. Some of

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096: Doing Other Stuff

I’m in Chicago doing something “different” than what I normally do. (A 5 week comedy improv theater intensive.) It’s helping refresh my attention for my SE work. It’s also a good opportunity for me to offer up this SE Reflection episode on advocating that we remember to engage “other things”, not just Therapist related stuff.

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095: After the Accident

Here is a very long episode that boarders on exhaustive, though hopefully not too exhausting. The subject? Considerations and a pattern of thought for how we attend to people soon after they’ve been in an accident. At those times SE Practitioners have a special and often unique offer of support and guidance for aiding the

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