Confirming your subscription to Twig’s Newsletter for Helpers

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Thanks for explicitly joining my helping care professionals newsletter.

You’ll now be receiving bi-montly emails from me that I fully intend to make helpful to your studies and practice. If you ever need to unsubscribe you can easily do it from any single newsletter.

The first one will be coming Early-July. I hope you’ll look for it.

Best wishes with your life and work!


Anthony Twig Wheeler

Since you’re interested in my professional work you might like to visit these overview pages: 
Twig in Brazil pointing to the Intervention to Resiliency Ratio.

When a client has higher resiliency we need to do less. When they have lower resiliency we do more. I’d suggest always working in favor of your clients doing as much as they can while trying not to let them fail because you ask them to do too much.