Reviews of Anthony Twig Wheeler [i.e. his reputation]
“Loved by many, despised by a few. Hey, what can you do?” -Twig
Below are a few reviews and reflections people have made publicly about my work.
I think that was nice of them.Authentic feedback is definitively the best way for me to improve my work.
Public Comments also help other people get a sense of my reputation.
If you’ve engaged my work in some way, your review would be super helpful too.
If you have something to add – either an endorsement or criticism – please visit my Feedback Page. I’ll be super grateful!
Okay, here’s what’s already been said about Anthony Twig Wheeler.
“Wow. Twig can get it across! Authentically. and with humor. what else is there? Just see it!” –Kim McCourt, Therapist
“Twig’s mastery of performance art had us in stitches the whole evening. This is a must see performance. Twig Wheeler is a national treasure!” –Neal Winblad, MFT
“It held my interest the entire time.Congratulations, Twig. What an amazing piece of work–in so many ways. –Marcia Black, Ph.D.
“I was very inspired to see how SE works with any setting, any type of person . . . I was inspired to see how a dedicated team of people can change the world and bring light!” -Suzie Wolfer,
Supervision and Consultation
“Twig is a gifted therapist, teacher and mentor. I have had personal therapy and professional consultation experiences with him and they are without exception effective, enjoyable and rewarding. He has a gift for reaching and healing the sore spots and teaching and strengthening the weak points. He is a gift to all with whom he comes in contact.” –Serine Graham, MC, LPC, LISAC
Session Clinic Study Intensives
“Be prepared for an experience that will offer you a lot-professionally and personally-and ask you to stretch yourself to take it in. Twig brings knowledge, skill, and a capacity to help make complex matters clearer, but it is up to the individual to take it inside, and that takes effort. One of the richest most meaningful educational/personal experiences I have had in my many years of education and therapy.” –Ken Talan, M.D.: psychiatrist, psychoanalyst, and Somatic Experience Practitioner
“Twig is a true master of the art of SE. He is such a great teacher and very empathetic and funny to boot. I would totally recommend you do an intensive or supervision with him.” -Pratibha Eastwood Ph.D. SEP
“The 4 day SE clinic was one of the most helpful experiences for learning SE I have participated in. Twig was a master at facilitating our personal and mutual learning. And even though we went deep into experience and learning about SE, it was never too much. I left that experience renewed, more grounded in my life, with more confidence in working with this model, and inspired to go back to my clients. I deeply appreciate Twig’s willingness to offer his time and expertise to us in this way.” -Carol Spears, LCSW, SEP
“It is with mixed feelings that I recommend Twig Wheeler to you. It seems every time I discover one of these ‘hidden gems’ their schedules rapidly fill up and then I can no longer get an appointment. Twig has all of the elements that makes for a truly great healer, safety, presence, rapport, intelligence, curiosity, and a lighthearted sense of fun and play. What can I say, my work with Twig has been among the deepest but least scary that I have done. Highly recommended!!!” –Neal Winbald, MFT, Rolfer, Engineer
“I have had the privilege of working with Twig on two occasions and the postive effects of the work we did continue even now. He is compassiante and present in a timeless kind of way. It is unusual to find a practitioner with such clarity, insight, and enthusiasm, one who can shape-shift so effortlessly. I believe this type of presence is rare and desperately needed. As a female survivor working with a male practitioner, this was new for me. Twig has a certainty about him that assured me I was not alone yet I felt no pressure, no ego. I truly felt as if I had a guide, in spirit, who could accompany me in the healing journey that is my own to discover. The best part is, it’s a feeling I get to take with me wherever I go. There is a certainty about Twig, Maybe that is what human ecology is.” –Diane, Bodyworker, Translator and Facilitator